January 27, 2011

Other Resources - NCLB, Parental Involvement, Multicultural Classroom, GPS, 5th Grade Science Standard S5E1

No Child Left Behind Legislation and Policies

Parental Involvement by Education Week

Meeting unique needs of all students
"It is more important to work together as a school community to help all teachers and students succeed." (Burke, p.17)

Georgia Performance Standards

GPS 5th Grade Science Standard S5E1
a. Identify surface features caused by constructive processes.
● Deposition (Deltas, sand dunes, etc.)
● Earthquakes
● Volcanoes
● Faults
b. Identify and find examples of surface features caused by destructive processes.
● Erosion (water—rivers and oceans, wind)
● Weathering
● Impact of organisms
● Earthquake
● Volcano
c. Relate the role of technology and human intervention in the control of constructive and destructive processes.
Examples include, but are not limited to
● Seismological studies,
● Flood control, (dams, levees, storm drain management, etc.)
● Beach reclamation (Georgia coastal islands)